Acupuncture treatments use thin, stainless steel needles to stimulate points on the surface of the body. These acupuncture points are located along numerous channels or pathways, where energy or Qi circulates in the body. Qi, thought to nourish internal organs and tissues, can alter neural impulses that travel through the body to elicit beneficial responses. By stimulating acupuncture points with specific functions and indications, acupuncturists are able to promote and balance the flow of Qi, relieve pain, reduce stress, and restore health.
Research at the University of California at Irvine suggests that acupuncture appears to alter sensory information to the brain and inhibit neural impulses associated with pain and stimulate the release of endorphins and enkephalins, the body’s natural pain-killing chemicals. Acupuncture can affect parts of the central nervous system to balance hormones (e.g. estrogen, progesterone, and serotonin), improve immune function, and normalize blood pressure.
What conditions can acupuncture treat?
According to the World Health Organization, the following conditions have shown that acupuncture can be beneficial either through a controlled trial or when a therapeutic outcome can be demonstrated:
Pain (many types)
Allergic rhinitis
Nausea and vomiting (morning sickness)
Hypertension, hypotension
Induction of labor
Fetal malposition (breech)
Other commonly treated conditions include:
Pain – Lower back, neck, sciatica, etc.
Women’s Health – PMS, painful menstruation, menopause, infertility, support for
assisted reproductive therapies (artificial insemination, intra-uterine insemination,
in vitro fertilization)GI conditions – constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux
Anti-aging – facial rejuvenation acupuncture treatment
Neuro-psychiatric conditions – stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia
What to expect?
During your first office visit, the practitioner will review your medical history at length and ask about your medical history, current health condition, diet, and lifestyle. The practitioner will perform a physical exam which includes Traditional Chinese Medicine pulse and tongue diagnostic exam. Based on the physical exam, the practitioner will determine which acupuncture points to use. Once the needles are placed in the appropriate places, the patient is left to rest and relax for 25 minutes. Some people are energized by treatment, while others feel relaxed.
Does it hurt to get acupuncture?
People experience acupuncture differently, but most feel no pain or minimal pain as the needles are inserted. Very fine, hair-thin (36 gauge) disposable needles are used. If at any time a patient experiences discomfort, the needle will be adjusted or removed. The needles are superficially inserted and are placed distal or local to the problem area.